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<td style="vertical-align: top;">Drive folder:<br>
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<div style="text-align: center;"><big><big><big><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Meet the Party</span></big></big></big></big><big><big><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br>
<div style="text-align: left;"><big><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">IRKIGI</span>:</big></big><br>
I grew up in a tribe less than 20 miles from the nearest village. There
were major Orc rivalries surrounding the village. They all had the same
goal of taking over the village. Our tribe, the Miryks, won
control after a 9 year war. My father, an Orc named Itan, became the
head of the guard, while my mother, a human named Illia, became a
priestess. I was born a month before the disaster.<br>
Word got out that Orcs had taken over a village under human rule, and
foreigners came with an immense army to reclaim the land. More than
doubling the Orcs in troops, they won with ease. I was given to the
forest in hopes that my instincts would help me survive.<br>
l learned to heighten my senses enough to survive for a few years.
Then, I was attacked by a giant snake. I would have died if not for my
newest friend Kalvin. He was my mentor from then on out. He taught me
everything I know. He taught by forcing me into situations- climbing,
swimming, fighting. He was the best at everything, and taught me how to
be to. Now, if anything gets close I become a monster.<br>
My rage can be a problem. It began the moment Kalvin was attacked. Some
hunters found our cave, and he was fatally injured. I killed every last
hunter in the providence. When I finally calmed down, I met Lee and
Isaac, and we've been friends ever since.<br>
<big style="font-weight: bold;"><big>Lee:</big></big><br><font size="3">Lee
is a half-elf whose father was a traveller who married an elf. Lee grew
up to age 9 learning how to be agile and shoot the bow until the
village was attacked by a horde of Vampires with an undead horde. His
parents were killed by a head vampire and that’s when he fled. Lee took
a horse and escaped to the nearest city. While there he did what any
orphaned child does in a city; he learned the thieves trade.</font></div>
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