2023-10-15 10:47:05 -05:00

81 lines
4.2 KiB

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{ text: "Appeal to Players", link: "/guide-to-incrementals/ludology/appeal-gamers" },
{ text: "Appeal to Developers", link: "/guide-to-incrementals/ludology/appeal-developers" },
{ text: "What is Content?", link: "/guide-to-incrementals/ludology/content" }
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{ text: "Advent Incremental", link: "" },
{ text: "Kronos", link: "" },
{ text: "Game Dev Tree", link: "" },
{ text: "Lit", link: "" },
{ text: "The Ascension Tree", link: "" },
{ text: "Dream Hero", link: "" },
{ text: "My Itch Page", link: "" }
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{ text: "Dice Armor", link: "/projects/dice/" },
{ text: "Capture the Citadel", link: "/projects/citadel/"}
text: "Non-Games",
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{ text: "V-ecs", link: "/projects/vecs/" },
{ text: "OptiSpeech", link: "/projects/optispeech/" },
{ text: "Babble Buds", link: "/projects/babble/" }