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import{d as t}from"./chunks/git.data.BNwuPjHI.js";import{M as n,q as o,Q as e,K as r,u as a,ag as s,p as l}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const c=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"My Political Beliefs",-1),d=["innerHTML"],m=s('<hr><details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/my-political-journey/index.md">My Political Journey</a><a href="/garden/political-quizzes/index.md">Political Quizzes</a></details><h1 id="government" tabindex="-1">Government <a class="header-anchor" href="#government" aria-label="Permalink to "Government""></a></h1><p>I'm definitely a <a href="/garden/leftism/">Leftist</a>, and believe our end goal should be a classless, stateless, moneyless society, but acknowledge the role of the state in defending against, at the very least, <a href="/garden/imperialism/">Imperialist</a> forces abroad, so long as they exist.</p><p>I want to eventually reach a society structured as decentralized local communities that operate through <a href="/garden/consensus-democracy/">Consensus Democracy</a> , and freely associate with other communities for larger scale organizing, such as building and maintaining a rail line.</p><h1 id="economy" tabindex="-1">Economy <a class="header-anchor" href="#economy" aria-label="Permalink to "Economy""></a></h1><p>I believe we should eventually arrive at communism; a post-scarcity society where everyone's needs are met via automation and without the need for currency. Along the way there I expect us to democratize the workplace and work towards nationalizing every idustry.</p><h1 id="society" tabindex="-1">Society <a class="header-anchor" href="#society" aria-label="Permalink to "Society""></a></h1><p>I believe in maximizing personal liberties, so long as one is not actively harmful to others, including most forms of discrimination.</p><h1 id="security" tabindex="-1">Security <a class="header-anchor" href="#security" aria-label="Permalink to "Security""></a></h1><p>I'm against the use of violence by anyone, including the state. I believe in <a href="/garden/police-abolition/">Police Abolition</a> and am against the military and espionage both foreign and domestic. I believe in the <a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchist</a> value of free association, so I believe we should have fully open borders, both for travel and immigration/emigration. I am anti-imperialist and believe in a fairly isolationist foreign policy, but am not against humanitarian foreign aid.</p>',11),b=JSON.parse('{"title":"My Political Beliefs","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"my-political-beliefs","title":"My Political Beliefs","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/my-political-beliefs/index.md","filePath":"garden/my-political-beliefs/index.md"}'),h={name:"garden/my-political-beliefs/index.md"},_=Object.assign(h,{setup(u){const i=n();return(y,f)=>(l(),o("div",null,[c,e("p",null,[r("213 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(t)[`site/${a(i).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,d)]),m]))}});export{b as __pageData,_ as default};