
249 lines
11 KiB

* The Galaxy API defines actions and responses for interacting with the Galaxy platform.
* @typedef {object} SupportsAction
* @property {"supports"} action - The action type.
* @property {boolean} saving - If your game auto-saves or allows the user to make/load game saves from within the UI.
* @property {boolean} save_manager - If your game has a complete save manager integrated into it.
* The save list action sends a retrieval request to Galaxy to get the player's cloud save list.
* @typedef {object} SaveListAction
* @property {"save_list"} action - The action type.
* The save action creates a cloud save and puts it into a certain save slot.
* @typedef {object} SaveAction
* @property {"save"} action - The action type.
* @property {number} slot - The save slot number. Must be an integer between 0 and 10, inclusive.
* @property {string} [label] - The optional label of the save file.
* @property {string} data - The actual save data.
* The load action sends a retrieval request to Galaxy to get the cloud save data inside a certain save slot.
* @typedef {object} LoadAction
* @property {"load"} action - The action type.
* @property {number} slot - The save slot number.
* The Galaxy action can be one of SupportsAction, SaveListAction, SaveAction, or LoadAction.
* @typedef {SupportsAction | SaveListAction | SaveAction | LoadAction} GalaxyAction
* The info response is sent when the page loads.
* @typedef {object} InfoResponse
* @property {"info"} type - The response type.
* @property {boolean} galaxy - Whether you're talking to Galaxy.
* @property {number} api_version - The version of the API.
* @property {string} theme_preference - The player's theme preference.
* @property {boolean} logged_in - Whether the player is logged in.
* The save list response is requested by the save_list action.
* @typedef {object} SaveListResponse
* @property {"save_list"} type - The response type.
* @property {Record<number, { label: string; content: string }>} list - A list of saves.
* @property {boolean} error - Whether the action encountered an error.
* @property {("no_account" | "server_error")} [message] - Reason for the error.
* The save content response is requested by the load action.
* @typedef {object} SaveContentResponse
* @property {"save_content"} type - The response type.
* @property {boolean} error - Whether the action encountered an error.
* @property {("no_account" | "empty_slot" | "invalid_slot" | "server_error")} [message] - Reason for the error.
* @property {number} slot - The save slot number.
* @property {string} [label] - The save's label.
* @property {string} [content] - The save's actual data.
* The saved response is requested by the save action.
* @typedef {object} SavedResponse
* @property {"saved"} type - The response type.
* @property {boolean} error - Whether the action encountered an error.
* @property {number} slot - The save slot number.
* @property {("no_account" | "too_big" | "invalid_slot" | "server_error")} [message] - Reason for the error.
* The GalaxyResponse can be one of InfoResponse, SaveListResponse, SaveContentResponse, or SavedResponse.
* @typedef {InfoResponse | SaveListResponse | SaveContentResponse | SavedResponse} GalaxyResponse
* The GalaxyApi interface defines methods and properties for interacting with the Galaxy platform.
* @interface GalaxyApi
* @property {string[]} acceptedOrigins - Accepted origins.
* @property {boolean} [supportsSaving] - Whether saving is supported.
* @property {boolean} [supportsSaveManager] - Whether save manager is supported.
* @property {boolean} [ignoreApiVersion] - Whether to ignore API version.
* @property {function(boolean): void} [onLoggedInChanged] - Function to handle logged in changes.
* @property {string} origin - Origin of the API.
* @property {number} apiVersion - Version of the API.
* @property {boolean} loggedIn - Whether the player is logged in.
* @property {function(GalaxyAction): void} postMessage - Method to post a message.
* @property {function(): Promise<Record<number, { label: string; content: string }>>} getSaveList - Method to get the save list.
* @property {function(number, string, string?): Promise<number>} save - Method to save data.
* @property {function(number): Promise<{ content: string; label?: string; slot: number }>} load - Method to load data.
* Initialize the Galaxy API.
* @param {Object} [options] - An object of options that configure the API
* @param {string[]} [options.acceptedOrigins] - A list of domains that the API trusts messages from. Defaults to `['']`.
* @param {boolean} [options.supportsSaving] - Indicates to Galaxy that this game supports saving. Defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} [options.supportsSaveManager] - Indicates to Galaxy that this game supports a saves manager. Defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} [options.ignoreApiVersion] - Ignores the api_version property received from Galaxy. By default this value is false, meaning if an unknown API version is encountered, the API will fail to initialize.
* @param {(galaxy: GalaxyApi) => void} [options.onLoggedInChanged] - A callback for when the logged in status of the player changes after the initialization.
* @returns {Promise<GalaxyApi>}
export function initGalaxy({
}) {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
acceptedOrigins = =>
url.replace(/\/?$/, '/')) ?? [""];
if (acceptedOrigins.includes(document.referrer.replace(/\/?$/, '/'))) {
// Callbacks to resolve promises
/** @type function(SaveListResponse["list"]):void */
let saveListAccept,
/** @type function(string?):void */
/** @type Record<number, { accept: function(number):void, reject: function(string?):void }> */
const saveCallbacks = {};
/** @type Record<number, { accept: function({ content: string; label?: string; slot: number }):void, reject: function(string?):void }> */
const loadCallbacks = {};
/** @type GalaxyApi */
const galaxy = {
origin: document.referrer,
apiVersion: 0,
loggedIn: false,
postMessage: function (message) {, galaxy.origin);
getSaveList: function () {
if (saveListAccept != null || saveListReject != null) {
return Promise.reject("save_list action already in progress.");
galaxy.postMessage({ action: "save_list" });
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
saveListAccept = accept;
saveListReject = reject;
save: function (slot, content, label) {
if (slot in saveCallbacks) {
return Promise.reject(`save action for slot ${slot} already in progress.`);
galaxy.postMessage({ action: "save", slot, content, label });
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
saveCallbacks[slot] = { accept, reject };
load: function (slot) {
if (slot in loadCallbacks) {
return Promise.reject(`load action for slot ${slot} already in progress.`);
galaxy.postMessage({ action: "load", slot });
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
loadCallbacks[slot] = { accept, reject };
window.addEventListener("message", e => {
if (e.origin.replace(/\/?$/, '/') === galaxy.origin.replace(/\/?$/, '/')) {
console.log("Received message from Galaxy",;
/** @type GalaxyResponse */
const data =;
switch (data.type) {
case "info": {
const { galaxy: isGalaxy, api_version, logged_in } = data;
// Ignoring isGalaxy check in case other accepted origins send it as false
if (api_version !== 1 && galaxy.ignoreApiVersion !== true) {
reject(`API version not recognized: ${api_version}`);
} else {
// Info responses may be sent again if the information gets updated
// Specifically, we care if logged_in gets changed
// We can use the api_version to determine if this is the first
// info response or a new one.
const firstInfoResponse = galaxy.apiVersion === 0;
galaxy.apiVersion = api_version;
galaxy.loggedIn = logged_in;
galaxy.origin = e.origin;
if (firstInfoResponse) {
} else {
case "save_list": {
const { list, error, message } = data;
if (error === true) {
} else {
saveListAccept = saveListReject = null;
case "save_content": {
const { content, label, slot, error, message } = data;
if (error === true) {
} else {
loadCallbacks[slot]?.accept({ slot, content, label });
delete loadCallbacks[slot];
case "saved": {
const { slot, error, message } = data;
if (error === true) {
} else {
delete saveCallbacks[slot];
} else {
reject(`Project is not running on an accepted origin: ${window.origin}`);