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The Modding Tree changelog:

v2.π: Incrementally Updated - 2/5/21

  • Performance improvements.
  • Fixed tooltips overlapping with the top display.
  • Clicking a popup dismisses it immediately.
  • Added support for bulk challenge completions.
  • "Best" is updated automatically.
  • Fixed keeping Decimal values on reset.
  • Code reorganization and style improvements by fudo.

v2.3.5 - 12/21/20

  • Added resetTime, which tracks the time since a layer prestiged or was reset.
  • A layer node will be highlighted red if one of its subtabs is highlighted red.
  • Fixed issues with keeping challenges, buyables, and clickables on reset.
  • Improved the unlocking of custom layers.
  • Other minor fixes.

v2.3.4 - 12/16/20

  • Added a node image feature.
  • Resource display now always shows the amount of the currency the layer's gain is based on.
  • Added spacing between tree nodes.
  • Another attempt to fix tooltip flickering.

v2.3.3 - 12/13/20

  • Fixed the first node in a row always taking up space.
  • layerShown is now optional.
  • All prestige types can now use features for custom prestige types.

v2.3.2 - 12/13/20

  • Fixed achievement/milestone popups.

v2.3.1 - 12/12/20

  • Another attempt to fix flickering tooltips.
  • The "this" keyword should work everywhere except tabFormat arrays (although I may have missed some things).
  • Fixed tree branches not updating when scrolling on the right-side tab.
  • Fixed a spacing issue when a node's symbol is ""
  • Removed some old, unneeded files.

v2.3: Cooler and Newer Edition - 12/10/20

  • Added achievement/milestone popups (thank you to Jacorb for this contribution!)
  • The changelog tab is back, and can be set in mod.js.
  • Layer nodes and respec buttons will not be clicked by pressing "enter".
  • Possible fix for flickering tooltips and strange transitions.
  • The victory screen text is configurable.
  • Added image and textStyle features to achievements.
  • Added an argument to use specific rows in an "upgrades" component.
  • Fixed the comma appearing in the main display when there was no effectDescription
  • Added the ability to easily make a tab that is a collection of layers in subtabs.
  • Improved spacing for embedding layers with subtabs into subtabs.

v2.2.8 - 12/03/20

  • Double-clicking a layer node brings you to the main subtab for that layer.
  • Attempted to fix challenges visually updating a different way.
  • Added a softcap function for use in formulas.
  • Added displayRow feature, which lets layers be shown somewhere separate from where they are in the reset order (e.g. side layers)
  • Fixed autoupgrade issue.

v2.2.7 - 11/30/20

  • Added autoUpgrade feature.
  • resource-display now shows resource gain per second if passiveGain is active.
  • Fixed formatting issues on some large numbers.
  • Better support for using classed objects in player and in layers/tmp.
  • Made hard resetting more effective.
  • Removed Herobrine from getStartClickables.

v2.2.6 - 11/30/20

  • Added goalDescription for challenges and made the new "canComplete" system the standard.
  • Another attempt to fix challenges not visually updating.
  • Fixed side layers not appearing.
  • Fixed getStartClickables again.

v2.2.5 - 11/29/20

  • Added features for overriding the displays and costs/goals of upgrades and challenges to make them fully custom.
  • best, total, and unlocked are always automatically added to layerData (but best and total will only display if you add them yourself).
  • Fixed getStartClickables.

v2.2.4 - 11/28/20

  • Added softcap and softcapPower features (for Normal layers)
  • Offline time limit and default max tick length were fixed (previously the limits were 1000x too large)
  • Added fixOldSaves.
  • You can use HTML in main-display.
  • Fixed a number of minor oddities.

v2.2.3 - 11/28/20

  • Layers will be highlighted if you can finish a challenge.
  • The "can complete challenge" color now overrides the "already completed" color.
  • Button nodes now work as side "layers".
  • Setting a tooltip to "" hides it entirely.

v2.2.2 - 11/22/20

  • Fixed right half of the screen being unclickable in some circumstances.
  • Fixed tree branches being offset.
  • Fix to lastSafeTab.

v2.2.1 - 11/7/20

  • Added a small highlight to layers you can meaningfully prestige on.
  • Added passiveGeneration and autoPrestige features to standardize prestige automation. (The old ways still work, but the new ones work better with other things)
  • Improved milestones visually a bit.
  • "best" and "total" are now only displayed if present in startData.
  • Fixed issues with things not updating visually. (Thank you to to Jacorb!)
  • Side layers and button nodes can now be highlighted.
  • Updated docs on the new tree-related features.

v2.2: Uprooted - 11/7/20

  • You can now embed a layer inside of a subtab or microtab!
  • Added support for hiding or reformatting the tree tab
  • Added non-layer button nodes
  • Added shouldNotify to subtab/microtab buttons. (You can make them highlighted)
  • Added commas to large exponents.
  • Upgrades now only show "currently" if they have an effectDisplay (so not for constant effects).
  • Achievements are part of the default tab format.
  • NaN is now handled more intelligently.
  • Renamed files, and moved less relevant ones to another folder.
  • The "hide completed challenges" setting now only hides challenges at max completions.
  • Thank you to thepaperpilot for fixing errors in docs and improving the infobox appearance!
  • Many other minor fixes.

v2.1.4 - 10/25/20

  • Added an infobox component. Thank you to thepaperpilot for this contribution!
  • Layer type is now optional, and defaults to "none".
  • Improved the look of bars and tab buttons.
  • Improved spacing between layer nodes (also thanks to thepaperpilot!)
  • Fixed the "blank" component breaking if only specifying the height.
  • Fixed some numbers not displaying with enough digits.
  • Made a few more things able to be functions.
  • A few other minor fixes.

v2.1.3.1 - 10/21/20

  • Fixed the update function.

v2.1.3 - 10/21/20

  • gainMult and gainExp are now optional.
  • Layer unlocking is now kept on reset.
  • Game should start up faster.
  • Layer updates now have a determined order and starts with earlier-rowed layers.
  • Automation now has a determined order and starts with later-rowed layers.
  • Fixed issues with resetting clickables and challenges.
  • Commas should no longer appear in the decimal places of a number.
  • Fixed potential issue in displaying the tree.

v2.1.2 - 10/19/20

  • Added buyUpgrade function (buyUpg still works though)
  • Added author name to modInfo.
  • Fix to crash caused when the name of a subtab or microtab is changed.
  • Fixes to outdated information in docs.
  • Improvements to Discord links.
  • Thank you to thepaperpilot for contributing to this update!

v2.1.1 - 10/17/20

  • Added resource-display component, which displays the base currency for the prestige layer, as well as the best and/or total of this layer's prestige currency.
  • Fixed the value for the base currency not updating in resource-display.

v2.1: We should have thought of this sooner! - 10/17/20

  • Moved most of the code users will want to edit to mod.js, added documentation for it.
    • Specifically, modInfo, VERSION, canGenPoints, getPointGen, and maxTickLength
  • Added getStartPoints()
  • Added the ability to store non-layer-related data
  • Added the ability to display more things at the top of the tree tab below points.
  • Made the endgame condition customizable
  • Added "sell one" and "sell all" buttons for buyables.
  • Moved the old "game" to demo.js, and replaced it with a minimal game that won't cause issues when edited.
  • Fixed issues with version number
  • Fixed number formatting issue making things like "10e9" appear.

v2.0.5 - 10/16/20

  • Made more features (including prestige parameters) able to be dynamic.
  • Layer nodes can be hidden but still take up space with "ghost" visibility
  • Added clickableEffect for real.
  • Fixed some visual issues with bars.
  • A few other minor tweaks and improvements.

v2.0.4 - 10/16/20

  • Fixed HTML on buttons interfering with clicking on them.

v2.0.3 - 10/16/20

  • Fixed hotkeys not displaying in info.
  • Fixed the game supressing all external hotkeys.
  • You can use more things as currencies for upgrade costs and challenge goals using currencyLocation.
  • Added maxTickLength, which can be used to prevent offline time or tab-switching from breaking time-limit based mechanics.
  • Made buyable respec buttons and clickable "master" buttons their own components, and gave them a hide/show feature.
  • Added a general "tooltip" feature for achievements.

v2.0.2 - 10/15/20

  • Branches are now dynamic (they can be functions).
  • Fixed a crash related to offline time.
  • Fixed links being too wide.

v2.0.1 - 10/15/20

  • Fixed side layers appearing multiple times.

v2.0: The Pinnacle of Achievement Mountain - 10/15/20

  • Added progress bars, which are highly customizable and can be horizontal or vertical!

  • Added "side layers", displayed smaller and off to the side, and don't get reset by default. They can be used for global achievements and statistics. Speaking of which...

  • Added achievements!

  • Added clickables, a more generalized variant of buyables.

  • Almost every value in layer data can be either a function or a constant value!

  • Added support for multiple completions of challenges.

  • Added "none" prestige type, which removes the need for any other prestige-related features.

  • The points display and other gui elements stay at the top of the screen when the tree scrolls.

  • Added getter/setter functions for the amounts and effects of most Big Features

  • Moved modInfo to game.js, added a spot in modInfo for a Discord link, changelog link. Also added a separate mod version from the TMT version in VERSION.

  • Tree structure is based on layer data, no index.html editing is needed.

  • Tmp does not need to be manually updated.

  • You don't have to have the same amount of upgrades in every row (and challs and buyables)

  • "unlocked" is optional for all Big Components (defaults to true).

  • All displays will update correctly.

  • Changelog is no longer in index.html at all.

  • Generation of Points now happens in the main game loop

  • Changed the reset functions to make keeping things easier

  • Renamed many things to increase readability (see the list in the link below)

  • Improved documentation based on feedback

    For a full list of changes to the format and functionality of existing things, click here.


  • Completely automated convertToDecimal, now you never have to worry about it again.
  • Branches can be defined without a color id. But they can also use hex values for color ids!
  • Created a tutorial for getting started with TMT and Github.
  • Page title is now automatically taken from mod name.

v1.3.4 - 10/8/20

  • Added "midsection" feature to add things to a tab's layout while still keeping the standard layout.
  • Fix for being able to buy more buyables than you should.

v1.3.3 - 10/7/20

  • Fix for the "order of operations" issue in temp.

v1.3.1 - 10/7/20

  • Added custom CSS and tooltips for Layer Nodes.
  • Added custom CSS for upgrades, buyables, milestones, and challenges, both individually and layer-wide.
  • You can now use HTML in most display text!
  • You can now make milestones unlockable and not display immediately.
  • Fixed importing saves, and issue with upgrades not appearing, and probably more.
  • Optional "name" layer feature, used in confirmation messages.

v1.3: Tabception... ception! - 10/7/20

  • Added subtabs! And also a Micro-tab component to let you make smaller subtab-esque areas anywhere.
  • Added a "custom" prestige formula type, and a number of features to support it.
  • Added points/sec display (can be disabled).
  • Added h-line, v-line and image-display components, plus components for individual upgrades, challenges, and milestones.
  • Added upgEffect, buyableEffect, and challEffect functions.
  • Added "hide completed challenges" setting.
  • Moved old changelogs to a separate place.
  • Fixed hasMilestone and incr_order.
  • Static layers now show the currency amount needed for the next one if you can buy max.

v1.2.4 - 10/4/20

  • Layers are now highlighted if you can buy an upgrade, and a new feature, shouldNotify, lets you make it highlight other ways.
  • Fixed bugs with hasUpg, hasChall, hasMilestone, and inChallenge.
  • Changed the sample code to use the above functions for convenience.

v1.2.3 - 10/3/20

  • Added a row component, which displays a list of objects in a row.
  • Added a column component, which displays a list of objects in a column (useful within a row).
  • Changed blanks to have a customizable width and height.

v1.2: This Changes Everything! - 10/3/20

  • Many layer features can now be static values or functions. (This made some formats change, which will break old things)
  • You can now use the "this" keyword, to make code easier to transfer when making new layers.
  • Also added "this.layer", which is the current layer's name, and works on existing subfeatures (e.g. individual upgrades) as well! Subfeatures also have "this.id".
  • Fixed a big save issue. If you use a unique mod id, your save will never conflict with other mods.
  • Added a configurable offline time limit in modinfo at the top of index.html. (default 1 hour)
  • Added a few minor features, and updated the docs with new information.


  • You can define hotkeys directly from layer config.

v1.1: Enhanced Edition

  • Added "Buyables", which can function like Space Buildings or Enhancers.
  • Custom CSS can now be used on any component! Make the third argument an object with CSS parameters.
  • Lots of minor good things.


  • First release.