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The Modding Tree changelog:
v2.2: Uprooted - 11/7/20
- You can now embed a layer inside of a subtab or microtab!
- Added support for hiding or reformatting the tree tab
- Added non-layer button nodes
- Added shouldNotify to subtab/microtab buttons. (You can make them highlighted)
- Added commas to large exponents.
- Upgrades now only show "currently" if they have an effectDisplay (so not for constant effects).
- Achievements are part of the default tab format.
- NaN is now handled more intelligently.
- The "hide completed challenges" setting now only hides challenges at max completions.
- Thank you to thepaperpilot for fixing errors in docs and improving the infobox appearance!
- Many other minor fixes.
v2.1.4 - 10/25/20
- Added an infobox component. Thank you to thepaperpilot for this contribution!
- Layer type is now optional, and defaults to "none".
- Improved the look of bars and tab buttons.
- Improved spacing between layer nodes (also thanks to thepaperpilot!)
- Fixed the "blank" component breaking if only specifying the height.
- Fixed some numbers not displaying with enough digits.
- Made a few more things able to be functions.
- A few other minor fixes.
v2.1.3.1 - 10/21/20
- Fixed the update function.
v2.1.3 - 10/21/20
- gainMult and gainExp are now optional.
- Layer unlocking is now kept on reset.
- Game should start up faster.
- Layer updates now have a determined order and starts with earlier-rowed layers.
- Automation now has a determined order and starts with later-rowed layers.
- Fixed issues with resetting clickables and challenges.
- Commas should no longer appear in the decimal places of a number.
- Fixed potential issue in displaying the tree.
v2.1.2 - 10/19/20
- Added buyUpgrade function (buyUpg still works though)
- Added author name to modInfo.
- Fix to crash caused when the name of a subtab or microtab is changed.
- Fixes to outdated information in docs.
- Improvements to Discord links.
- Thank you to thepaperpilot for contributing to this update!
v2.1.1 - 10/17/20
- Added resource-display component, which displays the base currency for the prestige layer, as well as the best and/or total of this layer's prestige currency.
- Fixed the value for the base currency not updating in resource-display.
v2.1: We should have thought of this sooner! - 10/17/20
- Moved most of the code users will want to edit to mod.js, added documentation for it.
- Specifically, modInfo, VERSION, canGenPoints, getPointGen, and maxTickLength
- Added getStartPoints()
- Added the ability to store non-layer-related data
- Added the ability to display more things at the top of the tree tab below points.
- Made the endgame condition customizable
- Added "sell one" and "sell all" buttons for buyables.
- Moved the old "game" to demo.js, and replaced it with a minimal game that won't cause issues when edited.
- Fixed issues with version number
- Fixed number formatting issue making things like "10e9" appear.
v2.0.5 - 10/16/20
- Made more features (including prestige parameters) able to be dynamic.
- Layer nodes can be hidden but still take up space with "ghost" visibility
- Added clickableEffect for real.
- Fixed some visual issues with bars.
- A few other minor tweaks and improvements.
v2.0.4 - 10/16/20
- Fixed HTML on buttons interfering with clicking on them.
v2.0.3 - 10/16/20
- Fixed hotkeys not displaying in info.
- Fixed the game supressing all external hotkeys.
- You can use more things as currencies for upgrade costs and challenge goals using currencyLocation.
- Added maxTickLength, which can be used to prevent offline time or tab-switching from breaking time-limit based mechanics.
- Made buyable respec buttons and clickable "master" buttons their own components, and gave them a hide/show feature.
- Added a general "tooltip" feature for achievements.
v2.0.2 - 10/15/20
- Branches are now dynamic (they can be functions).
- Fixed a crash related to offline time.
- Fixed links being too wide.
v2.0.1 - 10/15/20
- Fixed side layers appearing multiple times.
v2.0: The Pinnacle of Achievement Mountain - 10/15/20
Added progress bars, which are highly customizable and can be horizontal or vertical!
Added "side layers", displayed smaller and off to the side, and don't get reset by default. They can be used for global achievements and statistics. Speaking of which...
Added achievements!
Added clickables, a more generalized variant of buyables.
Almost every value in layer data can be either a function or a constant value!
Added support for multiple completions of challenges.
Added "none" prestige type, which removes the need for any other prestige-related features.
The points display and other gui elements stay at the top of the screen when the tree scrolls.
Added getter/setter functions for the amounts and effects of most Big Features
Moved modInfo to game.js, added a spot in modInfo for a Discord link, changelog link. Also added a separate mod version from the TMT version in VERSION.
Tree structure is based on layer data, no index.html editing is needed.
Tmp does not need to be manually updated.
You don't have to have the same amount of upgrades in every row (and challs and buyables)
"unlocked" is optional for all Big Components (defaults to true).
All displays will update correctly.
Changelog is no longer in index.html at all.
Generation of Points now happens in the main game loop
Changed the reset functions to make keeping things easier
Renamed many things to increase readability (see the list in the link below)
Improved documentation based on feedback
For a full list of changes to the format and functionality of existing things, click here.
- Completely automated convertToDecimal, now you never have to worry about it again.
- Branches can be defined without a color id. But they can also use hex values for color ids!
- Created a tutorial for getting started with TMT and Github.
- Page title is now automatically taken from mod name.
v1.3.4 - 10/8/20
- Added "midsection" feature to add things to a tab's layout while still keeping the standard layout.
- Fix for being able to buy more buyables than you should.
v1.3.3 - 10/7/20
- Fix for the "order of operations" issue in temp.
v1.3.1 - 10/7/20
- Added custom CSS and tooltips for Layer Nodes.
- Added custom CSS for upgrades, buyables, milestones, and challenges, both individually and layer-wide.
- You can now use HTML in most display text!
- You can now make milestones unlockable and not display immediately.
- Fixed importing saves, and issue with upgrades not appearing, and probably more.
- Optional "name" layer feature, used in confirmation messages.
v1.3: Tabception... ception! - 10/7/20
- Added subtabs! And also a Micro-tab component to let you make smaller subtab-esque areas anywhere.
- Added a "custom" prestige formula type, and a number of features to support it.
- Added points/sec display (can be disabled).
- Added h-line, v-line and image-display components, plus components for individual upgrades, challenges, and milestones.
- Added upgEffect, buyableEffect, and challEffect functions.
- Added "hide completed challenges" setting.
- Moved old changelogs to a separate place.
- Fixed hasMilestone and incr_order.
- Static layers now show the currency amount needed for the next one if you can buy max.
v1.2.4 - 10/4/20
- Layers are now highlighted if you can buy an upgrade, and a new feature, shouldNotify, lets you make it highlight other ways.
- Fixed bugs with hasUpg, hasChall, hasMilestone, and inChallenge.
- Changed the sample code to use the above functions for convenience.
v1.2.3 - 10/3/20
- Added a row component, which displays a list of objects in a row.
- Added a column component, which displays a list of objects in a column (useful within a row).
- Changed blanks to have a customizable width and height.
v1.2: This Changes Everything! - 10/3/20
- Many layer features can now be static values or functions. (This made some formats change, which will break old things)
- You can now use the "this" keyword, to make code easier to transfer when making new layers.
- Also added "this.layer", which is the current layer's name, and works on existing subfeatures (e.g. individual upgrades) as well! Subfeatures also have "this.id".
- Fixed a big save issue. If you use a unique mod id, your save will never conflict with other mods.
- Added a configurable offline time limit in modinfo at the top of index.html. (default 1 hour)
- Added a few minor features, and updated the docs with new information.
- You can define hotkeys directly from layer config.
v1.1: Enhanced Edition
- Added "Buyables", which can function like Space Buildings or Enhancers.
- Custom CSS can now be used on any component! Make the third argument an object with CSS parameters.
- Lots of minor good things.
- First release.